Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Roselle, IL

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

At Modern Essence Dentistry, we understand that many patients are hesitant about dental visits due to anxiety or fears. Different levels of sedation allow your dentist to treat you in a manner that you find comfortable. Your dentist in Roselle, IL at Modern Essence Dentistry will assess your treatment options and recommend a level of sedation that will allow you to relax during your procedure in Roselle, IL. An in depth consultation prior to administering oral sedation helps to optimize the long-term outcome for your procedure while assuming a minimal risk for complications.

Oral Sedation

Your dentist at our office in Roselle, IL offers oral sedation for patients who prefer a more moderate level of sedation. Some patients are given oral medications that are administered directly to the affected area while dental work is performed. Others may be put in a deeper state of relaxation in Roselle, IL, but will still be able to respond to light stimulation. Patients may feel drowsy and fall asleep during the procedure. Those who choose to be sedated are required to follow a few pre-procedural recommendations and have a driver available to assist them on the day of their procedure.

Oral Sedation in Roselle, IL

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Modern Essence Dentistry
818 E. Nerge Road Roselle IL 60172
1-630-592-8109 1-630-582-0898 USD Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Most Dental Insurance Plans, CareCredit, Lending Club Patient Solutions, Prosper Healthcare Lending
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